Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the species of Heteraphorura, partim from Euro-Asia |
This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.
Javier I. Arbea,
c/ Ría de Solía 3, ch. 39. E-39610 El Astillero, Cantabria, España
Frans Janssens,
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium
1(0). Vesicles in postantennal organ compound.......... oriental-group Vesicles in postantennal organ simple or multilobed........... 2 2(1). Vesicles in postantennal organ located parallely to the long axis of the organ.............................. nearctic-group Vesicles in postantennal organ located perpendicularly or oblique to the long axis of the organ....................... 3 3(2). First to third abdominal terga with submedian chaeta m1 present. ........................................................... 4 First to third abdominal terga without submedian chaeta m1.... 5 4(3). Empodial appendage length equals 2/3 inner edge of the claw; basis of antenna usually with 3 pso.......... variotuberculata Empodial appendage very short, rudimental, does not extend to the denticle on claw; basis of antenna usually with 2 pso..... ................................................... carpatica 5(3). Basis of antenna with 2 pseudocelli.................. orientalis Basis of antenna with 3 pseudocelli.................... steineri
1 For the presence of 2+2 pseudocelli on abdominal tergum III, Heteraphorura edentata departs from Heteraphorura and is not included in this key.