- Last updated on 2024.10.31 by Frans Janssens
Checklist of the Collembola: Key to the genera of Onychiurinae

This key is still under construction. Note that missing figures will be provided as soon as possible. Currently, the key is in the feasibility study phase to find out how to integrate in the checklist in a modular way a key that has been generated with DELTA.

Romuald J. Pomorski, Zoological Institute, Wroclaw University, Pl-50-335 Wroclaw, Poland
Kenneth A. Christiansen, Department of Biology, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112-0806, USA
Yulija B. Sveenkova, State Nature Reserve "Privolzhskaya Lesostep" Okruzhnaya 12a, 440008 Penza, Russia
David Steinmann, Boulder, Colorado 80302, USA
Rafael Jordana, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Navarra, Spain
Frans Janssens, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, B-2020, Belgium


In this subfamily are included all Onychiuridae with the furcula rudimentary or absent, no dark pigment, and four or more papillae in an apical organ on the third antennal segment (Fig. Intro.A).

Fig.Intro. Characteristics useful in identification of Onychiurinae
A. Location of postantennal organ and third antennal segment sense organ
   c - sense club, r - sense rod, p - paddle shaped sensilla
B. Typical distribution of ventral pseudocelli; left side, species with more numerous pseudocelli
C. Dividing line between dorsal and ventral pseudocelli
D. Forms of parapseudocelli
Characters found most useful in classification are:

  1. Apical organ of the third antennal segment: number of papillae and guard setae, form of sense clubs. See Fig. Intro.A for the location of this organ.
  2. Post antennal organ (P.A.O.): shape, arrangement, and number of tubercles. See Fig. Intro.A. Both the organs are frequently difficult to make out; we have found them easiest to study in well-flattened specimens, or in temporary mounts in which the specimen can be rolled to the proper orientation.
  3. Pseudocelli: number and arrangement on the head and first 8 trunk segments. There is some confusion in the literature as to the dorsal or ventral position of the more lateral pseudocelli; Fig. Intro.C shows the dividing line which has been used to separate dorsal and ventral pseudocelli. The pseudocellus indicated by the arrow has been assigned previously to either the fourth or fifth abdominal segments; it is here placed arbitrarily on the fourth. The ventral pseudocelli are often obscure and hard to locate; Fig. Intro.B&C shows in diagrammatic fashion 2 typical patterns of distribution. As pseudocelli are recognised only those circular or oval areas with smooth or ridged inner surfaces; similar areas with finely granulate inner surfaces are considered to be foveae.
  4. Parapseudocelli (Fig. Intro.D). These organs resemble pseudocelli but they are long and slit like or elongate elliptical. They always lack the chitinized border common in pseudocelli. They are generally limited to ventral surfaces, legs and anal lobes.
  5. Chaetotaxy: this appears to be stable in some species and quite variable in others; the variation may be partly geographic and may include sexual dimorphism. General form and differentiation of setae and their arrangement on the fifth abdominal tergite, second abdominal sternite, and antennae have been found useful in certain species. This character is worth much more attention.
  6. Structure of the unguiculus, and occasionally of the unguis and tenent hairs.
  7. Presence or absence, and structure, of the anal spines.
  8. Integumentary granulation: apply to the dorsal surface of the head and the tergites, and generally neglect the finer areas of granulation on the intersegmental membranes and in the foveae.
  9. The male ventral organ: this is made up of 1 or more groups of setae, slightly to highly modified, on the venter of 1 or more of abdominal segments 2, 3, and 4. Not all species have this structure and even when present it is developed only in mature males, but in certain groups it provides the best feature for species recognition. The organ often continues to differentiate in additional molts after sexual maturity.
  10. The presence or absence and form of the vestiges of the furcula.
  11. Microsensilla which occur on the lateral margins of the thorax are of taxonomic importance.

Most of these characters are best seen in dorsoventrally flattened specimens.

Note: The key does not include the genus Pseudonychiurus Bagnall, 1948. The settlement of taxonomic position of this genus at this moment is impossible. Typical species - Aphorura dentata Folsom, 1902 should be redescribed.


Check the rationale for taxa used and not used as well as subtaxonomic classification for some taxa.


Note that no distinction between subtaxa and taxa is made in the key.

1(0).   Posterior cephalic pseudocelli absent (fig.1a).............. 2
        Posterior cephalic pseudocelli present (fig.1b)............ 11

2(1).   Third antennal segment sense organ with 4-5 papilla, no
          papilla-like prominence................................... 3
        Third antennal segment sense organ with 5 papilla and
          additional papilla-like prominence (fig.2)............... 9

3(2).   Third abdominal tergum with submedial pseudocelli........... 4
        Third abdominal tergum without submedial pseudocelli........ 8
4(3).   Furca reduced to finely granulated area with setulae
          posteriorly tenaculum absent.............................. 5
        Furca reduced to two knobs with 3 + 3 or 4 + 4 setulae...... 7
5(4).   Labium with 4 papillae, lateral 'E' papilla absent (fig.3b);
          third antennal segment sense organ with 4 guard setae
          (fig.3a)..................................... Hymenaphorura
        Labium with 5 papillae, lateral 'E' papilla present (fig.3d);
          third antennal segment sense organ with 5 guard setae
          (fig.3c)................................................. 6

6(5).   Body with very distinct parapseudocelli; granular areas of
          fourth abdominal tergum fused together midline into one
          plate (fig.4a); labium type '0' - with all 5 papillae
          apically pointed................................ Sacaphorura
        Body without parapseudocelli; granular areas on fourth
          abdominal tergum separated by 2 medial parallel rows of
          smaller granules (fig.4b); labium type 'A' thickened and
          apically blunt.................................. Vexaphorura

7(4).   Anterior cephalic pseudocelli located inside antennal area
          (fig.5a); body fusiform (fig.6a).............. Kalaphorura
        Anterior cephalic pseudocelli located outside of antennal area
          (fig.5b); body oval-elliptical (fig.6b)..... Psyllaphorura


8(3).   Chaetotaxy on terga consists of one kind of setae: all setae
          apically pointed; furca reduced to a small area of fine
          granulation with 4 setulae arranged in one row or an arch
          located in a middle part of sternum iv (fig.7b); vesicles
          in postantennal organ of three kinds - simple, bilobed or
          multilobed - located perpendicularly or obliquely to the
          long axis of the organ........................ Heteraphorura
        Chaetotaxy on terga consists of two kinds of setae: blunt
          rod-like mesosetae and pointed microsetae; furca reduced to
          a small depression with 2 small, posterior setae, in contact
          with the border between abdominal sterna iii and iv
          (fig.7a); vesicles in postantennal organ compound..........
           ............................................. Paronychiurus

9(2).   Furca reduced to a small concavity without granulation;
          pseudocelli absent; tibiotarsi with 11 distal setae...... 10
        Furca reduced to a small depression without granulation with 2
          setulae posteriorly; pseudocelli present; tibiotarsi with 9
          distal setae........................................ Arneria
10(9).  Body with parapseudocelli always located outside of areas of
          coarser granulation; macrosetae rod-like and apically blunt;
          vestigial furcal area with 4 setulae posteriorly arranged in
          one row......................................... Dinochiurus
        Body without parapseudocelli; macrosetae apically pointed;
          vestigial furcal area with 2 setulae posteriorly. Reducturus
11(1).  Body with lateral pseudocelli (fig.1b)..................... 12
        Body without lateral pseudocelli (fig.1a)...... Probolaphorura
12(11). Postantennal organ fully developed (fig.8b-e).............. 13
        Postantennal organ reduced to long furrow, without vesicles
          (fig.8a)...................................... Cribrochiurus

13(12). Postantennal organ with 3-5 lobes of one vesicle (fig.8b).. 14
        Postantennal organ with 8 or more vesicles (fig.8c-e)...... 17
14(13). Tibiotarsi with clavate setae in distal whorl (fig.9)........
           ........................................... Chribellphorura
        Tibiotarsi with typical acuminate setae in distal whorl.... 15

15(14). Anal spines absent............................... Archaphorura
        Anal spines present........................................ 16
16(15). Furca reduced to cuticular furrow or finely granulated area
          with 1 + 1 setulae posteriorly (fig.10b, c).... Micraphorura
        Furca reduced to cuticular furrow or finely granulated area
          with 2 + 2 setulae posteriorly (fig.10a)....... Oligaphorura

17(13). Seta d0 on the head absent (fig.11a)........................ 18
        Seta d0 on the head present (fig.11b)....................... 26

18(17). Vesicles in postantennal organ compound (fig.8d)........... 19
        Vesicles in postantennal organ simple (fig.8c)............. 20
19(18). Sense organ of third antennal segment with more then three
          guard setae...................................... Detriturus
        Sense organ of third antennal segment with only three guard
          setae..................................... Sensillonychiurus
20(18). Anal spines absent......................................... 21
        Anal spines present........................................ 23
21(20). Pseudocelli elevated (fig.12)................. Similonychiurus
        Pseudocelli not elevated................................... 22

22(21). Sense clubs of sense organ of third antennal segment
          granulate..................................... Jacekaphorura
        Sense clubs of sense organ of third antennal segment unique,
          with triradiate or quadriradiate simple pointed lobes.......
           .............................................. Spelaphorura
23(20). Furca reduced to finely granulated area........... Megaphorura
        Furca vestigial............................................ 24
24(23). Furca reduced to cuticular pocket with 2 + 2 or 1 + 1 setulae
          (fig.13b)................................................ 25
        Furca reduced to two knobs with rudiment of mucro (fig.13a)...
           .............................................. Supraphorura

25(24). Cuticular fold of remnant furca apically smooth (fig.13c);
          microsensillum of fourth antennal segment located on the
          basal part of apical third.................... Yoshiiphorura
        Cuticular fold of remnant furca granulated all over (fig.13b);
          microsensillum of fourth antennal segment located at the
          level of second row of setae................... Protaphorura 1
26(17). Furca reduced to finely granulated area with 2 + 2 setulae in
          one row (fig.14c) or 1 + 1 setulae posteriorly (fig.14d), or
          to cuticular pocket with 2 + 2 setulae (fig.14b)......... 27
        Furca reduced to finely granulated area with 2 + 2 setulae in
          two rows posteriorly (fig.14a)........................... 36

27(26). Claw as long as antenna; third antennal segment sense organ
          with two rows of guard papillae............. Ongulonychiurus
        Claw as long as first proximal antennal segment; third
          antennal segment sense organ with one row of guard papillae.
           ........................................................ 28
28(27). Distal whorl of setae on tibiotarsi with 11 pointed setae
          (fig.15a)................................................ 29
        Distal whorl of setae on tibiotarsi with 9 or 7 pointed setae
          (fig.15b, c)............................................. 34

29(28). Furca reduced to cuticular pocket with 2 + 2 setulae
          (fig.14b)...................................... Bionychiurus
        Furca reduced to finely granulated area with 1 + 1 setulae
          posteriorly (fig.14d), or without trace of furca......... 30
30(29). Body feebly plurichaetotic; microsensillum of fourth antennal
          segment near its base.................................... 31
        Body strongly plurichaetotic; microsensillum of fourth
          antennal segment near its apex.................... Absolonia
31(30). Head with 2 + 2 posterior pseudocelli.......... Vibronychiurus
        Head with at least 3 + 3 posterior pseudocelli, if only 3 + 3
          pseudocelli always arranged in a triangle................ 32
32(31). Anal spines absent......................................... 33
        Anal spines present............................ Deharvengiurus
33(32). Terga with multiplication of pseudocelli........ Argonychiurus
        Terga with typical 3-4 pseudocelli.............. Onychiuroides
34(28). Anal spines absent......................................... 35
        Anal spines present................................ Onychiurus
35(34). Dorsal sense organ of third antennal segment with 5 papilla
          and bent sensory clubs (fig.16a); furca reduced to finely
          granulated area with 2 + 2 setulae posteriorly arranged in
          one row (fig.14c)............................ Deuteraphorura
        Dorsal sense organ of third antennal segment with straight
          sensory clubs and usually with 4 papilla (fig.16b); furca
          reduced to finely granulated area with 1 + 1 setulae
          posteriorly (fig.14d)........................ Orthonychiurus

36(26). Distal whorl of setae on tibiotarsi with 7 setae (fig.15c). 37
        Distal whorl of setae on tibiotarsi with more than 7 setae. 38
37(36). Anal spines absent................................ Agraphorura
        Anal spines present.......................... Tantulonychiurus
38(36). Vesicles in postantennal organ compound.................... 39
        Vesicles in postantennal organ simple......... Thalassaphorura
39(38). Anal spines seta-like located without papillae. Micronychiurus
        Anal spines strong on distinct papillae......... Allonychiurus


1. The genus Heteronychiurus is synonymised it with Protaphorura (Pomorski, Leithner & Brucken, 2003:311).
